Sunday, January 30, 2011 0 意見








7th floor West Wing, my colony in DH Hill Library
Friday, January 28, 2011 0 意見

Haunted House

       I didn't know 1911 Building is haunted until I read Technician, the newspaper published by student journalists. To me the three-floor building was a shortcut from DH Hill Library to SAS Hall. And the only thing I knew about it is there is an only snack bar selling Pepsi products on campus. 

      1911 Building was built as a dorm 100 years ago.  Rumor had it a student was bullied by a secret society and passed away in panic. Since that some people saw the student's ghost wandering in the corridor. 

       To satisfy my curiosity I had to take a look.

1911 Building at night. the door is locked.

Nothing unusual. I'm wasting my time...


Monday, January 17, 2011 0 意見








       不料前兩戰皆失利,第三戰變為我隊之生死關鍵。我一上場就想搶分,但因攻擊不確實,幾秒內就被判了兩個犯規,反失半分。於是我的動作開始出現遲疑。對手這時突然出擊,一拳扎實地擊中我面部。這拳之強,竟然透過護具,削掉我半顆牙齒,幾滴鮮血也由嘴角流下。比賽暫停,經過醫護員檢視後,判定無礙再戰。痛失半顆牙後,已全然無戰意。兩手護住頭部與心口,消極出手,只想拖過時間結束。未及半分鐘,對手一記迴旋踢掃到我頭部側面。頭部只感到一震,雖然無礙,但失了兩分。之後意識開始有些模糊,只記得是冷汗直流。 結果此戰一比六慘敗,本校團體賽第一輪就出局。之後其他隊友的個人賽成績也不理想。回校後,為帶隊無方負責,卸任隊長職務。







                                     Could the tiger come back to my spirit?

Friday, January 7, 2011 0 意見

Infinite Horizon, Infinite Trouble

     To generalize the idea that capital outflow is beneficial to a capital-abundant country, I extended the two-country, two-period model to a two-country, infinite-horizon model. I’d like to discuss the evolution of current accounts and compare consumption paths between open and closed regimes.

      The key factor in the model is the interest rates which depend on the marginal productivity of capital. A capital-abundant country will enjoy higher interest revenue if it exports parts of its capital to a labor-abundant country. So my first hypothesis is that the country’s consumption will decrease for sure in the initial period when the capital restriction is removed and will increase in the future. My second hypothesis is quite bold: the capital-abundant country is always capital abundant. In order to focus on the effect of capital movement on interest rate and welfare, I assume two countries are the identical except the initial capital stocks.

      When I began modeling, I found myself get into big trouble. The calculation is a mess. It took hours and hours to rearrange the equations and hours and hours to correct the wrong rearrangement.  The most significant contribution is that I found one hypothesis is related to the other under some strong conditions. But overall the final result is ambiguous and unsatisfactory, like it was in the two-period model. 

A comment to myself: ambitious, incompetent though. 