Sunday, April 22, 2012 0 意見

Cook-out and Dine-In

April 20th, Friday

While the pollen ceases, and the breeze blows, Americans cook out to welcome the spring. Professor invited us to the backyard behind his house. He served us amazing big pork chops. I ate four pieces of pork and two pieces of cake. The Japanese cake looking like the one sold in the supermarket was made by the professor's wife. She is really a good cook.

Backyard. There were some flies that bite.
Friday, April 6, 2012 0 意見


在夕陽之照耀下,橘紅色薄透的雲朵稀疏地浮游於空中,原本還以為今天是晴空萬里。不到半刻,星空夜色即蓋過半邊天,只剩遠方即將落幕的彩霞,傳遞著慵懶的暮氣。現在為時尚早,還不到回家時候。但也不禁少了幾分衝勁。於是下樓休息,順便理理思緒。Hill of Bean關門了,畢竟是星期五,又是春假期間。