Monday, December 24, 2012 0 意見

Silent Night

This Christmas I got a Christmas card. If my memory is correct, this is my first Christmas card. Maybe it was because I am the only Asian in the church, or maybe she gave a card to everyone. Whatever, it is good to receive blessings from others in the holiday season.  
North Cary Baptist Church
Friday, December 14, 2012 0 意見


下個月初到San Diego參加美國經濟學年會暨面試,我不知道自己是否已準備好,甚至如何準備。這次,我犯了一個大錯,就是幾乎放棄美國的機會,押了七成機會在大陸的學校。希望有更多的學校或企業能提供我面試的機會,否則就得在這裡多留一年了。有想過回台灣的大學工作,但是歸鄉之路太窄,身上包袱又沉重。非我不願意奉獻所學,而是那裏不缺我一人。所以不管是何處,只要能付出公平薪資,即便需遠赴東歐或中東,我都願意接受。不少離開此地的人都說,沒有地方比美國的環境更適合人居的。的確是如此。然我終歸是個異鄉人,時間到了就得再拖著行李,往他處而去。我心欲定,無奈現實如冬風,我只得如落葉般漂泊。
Thursday, November 22, 2012 0 意見

A Thanksgiving Day

Today is Thanksgiving Day. The library and the gym are closed as well as grocery stores. In a particular day like today, I try something different. First, I made a breakfast.
French Toast, Sausage (No Preservative) and Hot Chocolate

Sunday, October 14, 2012 0 意見

The Beginning of the End

I completed the oral prelim on Friday. Joe said he had not heard anyone who can complete it in two hours. Even so, I don’t feel relaxed. The job market is open, but I haven’t finished my job market paper. I don’t know why I did not figure out this last year so that I could finish it in this summer. The oral prelim is just the beginning of the end. Challenges are still there.
Chapel in Duke University
Sunday, September 16, 2012 0 意見

Cowardly Lion

While stepping out of the gym, I found it is raining.The heavy rain refreshed the air. Now it smells fresh and cool. But I remembered the clothes hung on the garment rack in the balcony might get wet. It really irritated me. I kept my life simple to move forward with papers for the doctorate degree and the job. But there are always bad surprises waiting. I've cancelled any trip in this year. I thought I could go to visit New York and watch the opera in Broadway in October. Now all are put off.
The private study room in the library is my sancturary.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012 0 意見

All about Supply and Demand

Last month I searched for apartments with one-bed rooms or studios in Raleigh and north Cary. Most one-bed rooms were not available, especial those with reasonable rent rates. Those that were vacant have steep rates. The leasing companies didn't need to worry about that since lots of perspective customers would come to Raleigh soon. Raleigh is growing so the housing cost increases year by year. 
Saturday, August 4, 2012 0 意見



Monday, July 9, 2012 0 意見

Looking for Uniqueness

July 4th (Wed.) ~ 6th (Fri.) 2012

      Maybe it is because I prefer uniqueness and history, this trip to Charleston impressed me so much. Unlike any other major cities well-known by international tourists, Charleston in South Carolina is famous among Americans. 

I arrived Charleston on July 4th.
Thursday, June 21, 2012 0 意見




Sunday, April 22, 2012 0 意見

Cook-out and Dine-In

April 20th, Friday

While the pollen ceases, and the breeze blows, Americans cook out to welcome the spring. Professor invited us to the backyard behind his house. He served us amazing big pork chops. I ate four pieces of pork and two pieces of cake. The Japanese cake looking like the one sold in the supermarket was made by the professor's wife. She is really a good cook.

Backyard. There were some flies that bite.
Friday, April 6, 2012 0 意見


在夕陽之照耀下,橘紅色薄透的雲朵稀疏地浮游於空中,原本還以為今天是晴空萬里。不到半刻,星空夜色即蓋過半邊天,只剩遠方即將落幕的彩霞,傳遞著慵懶的暮氣。現在為時尚早,還不到回家時候。但也不禁少了幾分衝勁。於是下樓休息,順便理理思緒。Hill of Bean關門了,畢竟是星期五,又是春假期間。
Saturday, March 24, 2012 0 意見

A Pilgrimage

March 21st 

Kenwood, Maryland

      People came to this private community to watch cherry blossoms. Since its elegant houses and beautiful flowers, for many tourists the neighborhood becomes a part of the trip in Metro Washington during the early spring. It was amazing to walk in the streets having a flowers canopy.


Saturday, March 10, 2012 0 意見

A Trip with Low Returns

-->March 8th
      If it were not the EEA annual conference was held in Boston, I couldn't participate in it. I flew to Boston one day prior to the conference day. As usual, I kept awake for the early flight departing at 9am. I was tired while arriving the hotel by subway.

      Boston Park Plaza is a well-known historical hotel located in the old Boston area. However, its service was quite disappointing. I booked a room with a king size bed one month ago, but the hotel gave me a room with double twin beds. The one-night cost $185 didn't include a breakfast and the Internet connection. No refrigerator in the room. What bothered me the most was I have to call room service for a razor and a toothbrush or they are not available.
Thursday, February 16, 2012 0 意見

Crabtree Valley Mall

      I like Crabtree Valley Mall on weekdays. There are some people, but not so noisy. The shopping mall is bright, clean and spacious. Each brand has its own store. Most stores sell apparel and accessary. If getting tired, customers can have a cup of soft drink in the food court. 

Food Court

Thursday, February 2, 2012 0 意見




A dump behind the lab. Older Joe, Steve and younger Joe always take a break and smoke here. The lab is itself a dump.

Monday, January 16, 2012 0 意見

I Have a Nightmare

(I wrote this article at risk)

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Almost everyone knows him even if she isn't an American or doesn't live in the US. His fight against racist discrimination succeed in the level of the law. Those ones whom he cared about eventually get their civil rights promised by the Constitute. They can walk in the US territory like other white people. To repay sufferings imposed on their ancestors, their employment and education opportunities are highly protected, especially in public institutions. His story is inspiring to other minority groups? No, absolutely not.
Thursday, January 5, 2012 0 意見

Two Holidays

Dec. 25th 2011 Real Christmas

I went to Professor Moody Chu's home for Christmas dinner. There are several guests in the party tonight. Professor's daughter studying in Boston came home for the holiday. Professors' prepare lot of food to feed guests. Bread, rib, tofu rolls and more homemade cuisine. After dinner, his daughter played piano and we sang hymn to praise Jesus and God. I'm not a christian, but I admire the region that leads their whole family from hardship to success. And of course their achievement should attribute to the professor and his wife's efforts. 

Someone's home
